COA Member and Compliance

Companies that demonstrate that they achieve the required standard are included in COA Members’ Code of Practice Quality Management List.
The COA Code of Practice for Flexitanks includes requirements for: Container Selection for Transporting Flexitanks
  • Container and Flexitank Marking
  • Incident Management and Insurance
  • Training
  • Materials
  • Loading and Discharging Valves
  • Flexitank System (including rail impact testing)
  • Commodity loading Temperature Range
  • Flexitank System Information
  • Marking
  • Documentation
  • Incident Records


Companies that manufacture, sell new, sell used or recondition bulk bags / flexible intermediate bulk containers & Companies that provide a product or service relating to the manufacture, marketing or use of bulk bags / FIBCs.

ISO 21898

ISO 21898:2004 determines type test, construction, materials and design prerequisites, certification and marking necessities for flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs) proposed to contain non-perilous solid materials in granular, powder, or semi-liquid structure which is intended to be lifted from above by a basic or detachable machine.  Direction is likewise given on the selection and safe usage of FIBCs.

ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is characterized as the global standard that indicates prerequisites for a quality management system (QMS). Associations utilize the norm to exhibit the capacity to reliably give products and services that meet customer and regulatory necessities. It is the most famous standard in the ISO 9000 arrangement and the only norm in the arrangement to which associations can certify.

ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is the worldwide standard that determines the necessities for an effective environmental management system (EMS). It gives a system that an association can follow, instead of building up environmental execution prerequisites.  The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) characterizes a natural administration framework as “a component of the administration framework used to oversee ecological viewpoints, satisfy consistency commitments, and address dangers and openings.” The structure in the ISO 14001 standard can be utilized within a plan-do-check-act (PDCA) way to deal with continuous improvement.

ISO 22000

Food safety is connected to the presence of food-borne dangers in food during consumption The ISO 22000 worldwide standard indicates the prerequisites for a food safety management system that includes the accompanying components: 
  • interactive communication
  • system management
  • prerequisite programs
  • HACCP principles

FSSC 22000

Food Safety System Certification (FSSC) 22000 is a globally acknowledged accreditation scheme dependent on a mix of ISO 22000 sector-specific PRP and FSSC extra necessities. FSSC 22000 has been created in reaction to customer requests for a recognizable standard against which the food safety management system can be examined and certified. FSSC 22000 was given Global Recognition by the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative), as well as other food safety schemes such as BRC or IFS. The certification scheme is owned by the Foundation for Food Safety Certification. 

PAS 1008

It gives a system to the assembling for the manufacture of high-quality single-use flexitanks. Such flexitanks can be utilized to securely move liquid without releasing or making permanent harm to general purpose freight containers.  It specifies requirements for:
  1. The material properties of the flexitank film and, where fitted
  2. The tightness of the loading/discharging valve(s)
  3. The flexitank system’s resistance to a rail impact
  4. The provision of flexitank information. 


Kosher Certification is the stamp of genuine endorsement by a Rabbinic agency confirming they have checked the product’s ingredients, production facility, and actual production to ensure all ingredients, derivatives, instruments, and machinery have no trace of non-kosher substances. The Kosher Certified symbol guarantees consumers that both the actual product and its creation adhere to all Kosher Law necessities.


It is the document issued by the Muslim authority of the trading nation in which it is certified that a certain agri-food or pharmaceutical product satisfies the requirements according to the Law for its consumption by the Islamic population. Production facilities can be certified, so that any products produced according to the certification standards can claim to be halal. Our Flexitanks and Fibcs are Halal certified  
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